Digital tools glossary


There are many tools to support DFA, but not all may be available in your language. This glossary aims to help you find other tools you could use instead.

Answergarden is a brainstorming tool, helping teachers to enhance students' thinking and developing ideas. It is also used at conferences and workshops as an icebreaker activity with the audience.

Tool type
Classroom polling

Languages available

Account required
No (password is optional, and recommended to edit the Answergarden contents later on)


How are your data used?

Similar tools

Class123 is a classroom management tool that can be used to arrange class seating, track attendance, create and share lessons, send notifications, use fun animations, set group goals and give feedback. Individual performance reports can also be shared with parents. Other functions include creating polls, collecting homework, attaching files, inserting links, uploading and sharing photos, videos, posting notifications or sending private messages.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Classroom management tool

Languages available
English, Spanish, Korean, Japanese

Account required
Yes (teacher, parent, student)


How are your data used?
Privacy Policy - Class123

Similar tools
ClassDojo, Schoolify, Google Classroom, Classroom Screen

ClassDojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use to build communities by sharing what’s being learned in the classroom home through photos, videos, and messages.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Classroom polling 

Languages available

Account required
Yes (teacher, parent, student, school leader)


How are your data used?
Privacy Center | ClassDojo

Similar tools
Class123, Faronics Insight, Quizizz, Quizalize, Quizlet, Socrative, Formative, Gimkit, Plickers

Classroom Screen enables the display of instructions at class, in a clear and visual way. One can choose a background or upload an image and choose from over 13 widgets to support the activities. These widgets can be for example, a timer, drawing tool, traffic light, random name, text box, QR generator, work symbols, sound level, poll. During the lesson, the instructions can also be adjusted.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Dashboard/monitoring tool

Languages available

Account required
Those signing up must be of or over the age of 18, students can use the platform without having an account

Basic version is free

How are your data used?
Privacy - Classroomscreen

Similar tools
Class123, ClassDojo, Nearpod, Edpuzzle, Formative, LessonUp!, Milage+

CoRubrics is an add-on for Google Sheets that helps teachers in the assessment process. It is used to assess students (or groups of students) with a rubric designed by the teacher and also allows students to assess other students (coevaluation). It allows teachers and students to collaborate online.

Tool type
Online rubric/collaborative software

Languages available
Spanish, Catalan, English

Account required
Gmail account needed


How are your data used?
CoRubrics (en) - Privacy

Similar tools
Microsoft Excel Online

Edpuzzle is a dashboard/monitoring tool that uses videos combined with editing tools and student data. The process is as follows: find a video, add questions and assign it to the class. Watch as they progress and make them take responsiblity for their learning (process).
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Dashboard/Monitoring tool 

Languages available

Account required

Basic plan: free, Pro Teacher and Schools and Districts: charges apply

How are your data used?
Edpuzzle privacy note

Similar tools
ShowMe, ClassDojo, Edmodo, Canvas

Formative aims to enable teachers to see student work in real-time, give them feedback, track their progress to learning standards, and collaborate around common assessment data. You can upload your own content, embed others or use existing templates on Formative.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Classroom polling, Dashboard/monitoring tool

Languages available

Account required
Account required (teacher, student)

Free version available

How are your data used?
Privacy Policy (

Similar tools
Quizizz, Quizalize, Quizlet, Socrative, Kahoot!, ClassDojo, Gimkit, Plickers

Genially is a media creation platform, aiming to improve the way people present, teach, communicate and spread information. Additionally, Google Maps, Graphics, Videos, Documents, Social Media, Gadgets, 3D Images etc. can be integrated within the tool.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Media creation platform

Languages available
English, Spanish, French  

Account required
Yes (users must be over 14 years old)

Free version available

How are your data used?
Genially Privacy Policy

Similar tools

GeoGebra is an interactive geometry, algebra, statistics and calculus application, intended for learning and teaching mathematics and science from primary school to university level. 
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Dashboard/Monitoring tool/Mathematics software

Languages available
27 languages

Account required

Open source

How are your data used?
Privacy – GeoGebra

Similar tools
Desmos, fxSolver, Matplotlib

Gimkit quiz tool is designed to support individual and team problem-solving, competitive play and self-paced problem solving. By answering the questions correctly, students earn points (which works as money in Gimkit). Then they use these to buy “powerups” e.g. a multiplier increasing or decreasing the money/points they collect by answering the questions correctly or incorreclty. This startegic process helps students to learn easier.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Classroom polling 

Languages available

Account required
Link provided by the teacher, students do not need an account, (must be min 18 years old)

Limited number of free sets

How are your data used?
Privacy note

Similar tools
Quizizz, Quizalize, Quizlet, Socrative, Kahoot!, Plickers

Google Forms is a survey tool, with the help of which, one can create forms, quizzes, RSVPs, and more. These forms can also be shared and tracked.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Survey tool

Languages available

Account required
Yes (Google account)

Free, web-based package

How are your data used?
Abuse Program Policies and Enforcement

Similar tools
Qualtrics, Zoho Forms, SurveyMonkey, Doodle

H5P is a plugin for existing publishing systems that enables the system to create interactive content. (for example: videos, presentations, games, quizzes etc.) Additionally, it is possible to add questions to videos, that pop up while watching.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Interactive content creation

Account required
Account for the content creator

Free, open-source, community driven project

How are your data used? 

Similar tools
Webflow, Adobe Dreamweaver, Google Web Designer

Kahoot! is an online, game-based quiz tool. Kahoot! is suitable for more competitive activites, during which the questions are dispayed on the classroom digital board.

Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Classroom polling

Languages available
English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Norwegian

Account required
Not needed to participate in a poll

Free version available

How are your data used?
Privacy Policy for Kahoot!

Similar tools
Quizizz, Quizalize, Quizlet, Socrative, Plickers, ClassDojo, Gimkit

Keamk creates randomised teams for classroom or project activities. It allows setting the characteristics of a group, which can then be used to select the teams according to different factors such as gender and level of digital competence. 

Tool type
Random team generator

Languages available
English, French

Account required
Not mandatory


How are your data used?
Privacy Policy - Keamk

Similar tools
Random Team Generator, Team Picker Wheel

Khan Academy was originally developed for Mathematics tutoring, but now it has videos for mathematics, programming, history, economics, science and other subjects. It has practice exercises and personalised dashboards both for teachers and students. It adapts to the students' pace and performance, supporting autonomous learning. It also has a learning analytics dashboard, that helps learners to follow their progress, and offers personalised feedback and assessment for those learners who are using the online lessons.  
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Mobile learning, Dashboard/Monitoring tool 

Languages available
37 languages

Account required
Yes (learner, teacher, parent), children undeer the age of 13 need the consent/approvaal of their parents or legal guardians


How are your data used?
Privacy Policy | Khan Academy

Similar tools
Nearpod, Edpuzzle, Formative, Classroom ScreenLessonUp!, Milage+

LAMS is an open-source tool for designing, managing, and delivering online collaborative learning activities.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Dashboard/Monitoring tool, Classroom Polling

Languages available

Account required
Open source, demo account (Author, Monitor, Learner)

Open source  

How are your data used?
LAMS: Privacy Statement

Similar tools
Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom, Blackboard Learn, Schoolaby, Schoology

LessonUp! is an online teaching platform for teachers, schools and organisations (museums and publishers). LessonUp helps to engage students in the lessons, get inspiration for interactive and fun lessons and  get insights in the learning progress and achievements of students. Interactive elements, such as, polls, videos, spinners and gamification can be added to the templates.

Tool type
Dashboard/Monitoring tool, mobile learning

Languages available
English, Dutch

Account required
Both for teachers and students

30-day free trial

How are your data used?
Privacy statement

Similar tools
Nearpod, Classroom Screen, Edpuzzle, Formative, Khan Academy, LessonUp!, Milage+

Mahara is a fully featured open-source web application, used to create an electronic portfolio. Users can create journals, upload files, embed third-party resources from the web and collaborate with others in groups.
Mahara 20.10 manual (in English)

Tool type
E-portfolio/Digital diary 

Languages available
English, other language packs

Account required

Open source

How are your data used?
Legal - Mahara

Similar tools
Digication, RCampus, OneNote

Mentimeter enables the creation of interactive presentations, while collecting polls, data and opinions from participants that use smartphones. The trends and data export allows Mentimeter to get insights on participants.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Online editor - presentation software

Languages available
English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German

Account required
Yes (Facebook profile, Google account or email)

Free account, Basic and Pro and Enterprise: charges apply

How are your data used?
Mentimeter Privacy

Similar tools
Kahoot!, Slido (polling)

Microsoft Forms is an online survey creator that is part of Office 365, and helps users to create surveys and quizzes with automatic marking.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Survey tool

Languages available

Account required
Microsoft account (school credentials, work credentials, personal)

Free with a Microsoft account

How are your data used?
Microsoft Privacy Statement

Similar tools
JotForm, Typeform, Formstack, Zoho Forms, SurveyMonkey

Microsoft Yammer is an app available in Office 365. It connects people across teams and across the organisation, enabling to build communities, exchange knowledge, and engage employees.

Tool type
Social networking tool

Languages available
26 languages

Account required

Requires a paid Office 365 subscription

How are your data used?
Privacy statement 

Similar tools
Slack, Atlassian Confluence

Milage+ is a mobile application giving students access to educational content in-and outside the classroom. It focuses on Mathematics.

Tool type
Mobile learning, Dashboard/Monitoring tool 

Languages available
Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, Greek

Account required
Account required (teacher, student)


Similar tools
Classroom Screen, Edpuzzle, Formative, Khan Academy, LessonUp!

Mindmaps is a HTML5 based application that enables the creation of mindmaps/concept maps online (the mind map is not shareable online). It is also available offline.

Tool type
Concept mapping 

Languages available
Account required

Free, open source

Similar tools

Mindmup is a mind map maker designed to help focusing on ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping. This tool makes it possible to: structure writing, create storyboards, post on social media, collaborate, plan and manage projects, attach documents, add images and administer. 

Tool type
Concept mapping 

Languages available

Account required

Free version available

How are your data used?
MindMup Privacy Policy

Similar tools
Mindmaps, Mural, Coggle

Moodle is a learning platform, designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments.
Teacher quick guide - MoodleDocs

Tool type
Learning management system

Languages available
100% available language packs: English, Greek, Japanese, Arabic, Czech, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Basque, German, Norwegian, Romanian, Serbian.

Account required
Yes (student, teacher)

Open source

How are your data used?
Privacy policy

Similar tools
Classroom Screen, Edpuzzle, Formative, Canvas, Google Classroom, Blackboard Learn, Schoolaby, SchoologyLAMS

MS Teams is a cloud-based team collaboration software, a communication platform that enables communication through the group chat or video call, and to connect, access, share and coauthor files in real time, and keep notes, documents and calendar together.

Tool type
Communication software

Languages available

Account required

Free (other packages: charges apply), personal and non-commercial use

How are your data used?
Privacy statement

Similar tools
Skype, Google Meet, Cisco Jabber, Webex App, Bitrix24, Rocket.Chat

Navio is a digital platform for teaching English, accompanying the Macmillan Education English courses. One can create a class, worksheets, tests and track students' progress with Navio. The creation of audio or video material that accompanies the course is also possible.
User manual

Tool type
Digital platform for teaching English

Languages available

Account required
Teacher subscription: lasts for two years. Student subscription: lasts for fifteen months.

How are your data used?
Privacy Policy 

Nearpod is a website and app based digital tool that allows teachers to create slide-based learning resources. It aims to increase student engagement with simulations, gamified quizzes, virtual reality. With the help of Nearpod's formative assessment tools (e.g. polls, open-ended questions etc.) teachers know where their students are with their progress.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Student engagement platform/interactive classroom tool, for in person and online presentation

Languages available

Account required
Teacher account is needed, students can join classes with a code

Free version available

How are your data used?
Privacy policy

Similar tools
SMART Learning Suite, Google Classroom, Blackboard Learn, Schoolaby, SchoologyLAMS

Padlet can be described as an online notice board. Padlet can be used by students and teachers to post notes on a common page. These notes can contain links, videos, images and document files.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Collaborative software

Languages available
Available in 29 languages, there is more to be added

Account required

Free or paid options for school package

How are your data used?
Privacy Policy 

Similar tools
Classroom Screen, Canvas, KeamkTricider, Wakelet, Tes Teach Blendspace, Hyperdocs 

Plickers enables the collection of instant multiple-choice responses from students, without requiring them to have clickers, computers, or tablets. By using a printed card with a design unique to each student, the iOS/Android apps allow teachers to scan student responses and respond in real-time.

Tool type
Classroom polling 

Account required
Teacher account

Free version available

How are your data used?
Privacy Policy – Plickers

Similar tools
Quizizz, Quizalize, Quizlet, Socrative, Plickers, ClassDojo, Gimkit

Purposegames is a platform for creating and playing quizzes and games.
Tool type
Classroom polling

Languages available
English, Swedish (some parts are translated to: German, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Spanish)

Account required
Yes, Google Sign-In is possible too


How are your data used?
Privacy Policy

Similar tools
FlipQuiz, Riddle, Quizlet, Google Forms , Socrative

Quizalizevis a quiz platform that helps to identify student learning gaps, acquire data on student performance, conduct targeted instruction and raise students' interest. It also makes it possible to get instant data on student mastery, and automatically assign the changed follow-up activities.
Tutorial (in English)
Tool type
Classroom polling

Languages available
English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic

Account required
Teacher account is needed, students do not have to create an account; they can access their classes with a code too (users must be at least 13 years old)

Free version available

How are your data used?
Privacy policy

Similar tools
Quizizz, Quizalize, Quizlet, Socrative, Plickers, ClassDojo, Gimkit, Kahoot!

Quizizz is a web-tool to make quizzes, send them to students, and get immediate feedback. Content/quizzes can be created in any other language. It is suitable for self-study and individual work. The results can be sent to parents/students in pdf. The time limit for giving answers can be removed. The questionnaires can be organised into collections, making it easier to find them.
Tutorial (English)

Tool type
Classroom polling

Languages available
English, Spanish, French, Polish, Dutch, Russian, Indonesian

Account required
Teacher account

Free version available

How are your data used?
Privacy Policy - Quizizz

Similar tools
Quizalize, Quizlet, Socrative, Plickers, ClassDojo, Gimkit, Kahoot!

Quizlet is a digital pop-quiz database, featuring decks of flash cards as study sets. It is used to help learning in several different subjects. It is an easy way to create exercises for students. Learning methods include: flashcards, tests, spelling, writing. Additionally, students receive instant feedback and can practice as many times as they want to.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Classroom polling

Languages available
18 languages

Account required
Account required (Google, Facebook, Apple), students can use it without signing up


How are your data used?
Privacy Policy | Quizlet

Similar tools
Quizalize, Socrative, Plickers, ClassDojo, Gimkit, Kahoot!

Socrative is a cloud-based student response system. Teachers can use it for assessment and data collection, through creating quiz, quick question, space race and exit ticket. It includes quizzes, surveys, team activities, and content from educators from all over the world.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Classroom polling, Dashboard/monitoring tool

Languages available
14 languages

Account required
Yes (teacher, student - under the age of 13 it can only be used with the consent of a teacher, legal parent or guardian)

Free for students and non-administrators (other packages: charges apply)

How are your data used?
Privacy Policy - Socrative

Similar tools
Quizizz, Quizalize, Kahoot!, Formative, Gimkit, ClassDojo, Plickers

Tinkercad is an app for 3D design, electronics and coding.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
3D modeling program 

Languages available
Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. 

Account required
Teacher account

Free version available

How are your data used?
Privacy & Security | Tinkercad

Similar tools
Blender, Onshape

Tricider is a web-application to make group decisions easier, hence enhancing collaboration.
Tutorial (in English) 

Tool type
Collaborative software, classroom polling

Languages available
English, German, Spanish

Account required
Teacher account


How are your data used?
Privacy Policy - Fanpage Karma

Similar tools

Tynker is a coding platform that enables students of all ages to learn to code at home, school, and on the go.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Coding platform

Languages available

Account required
Student, parent, teacher accounts

Free version available

How are your data used?
Privacy policy

Similar tools
CodaKid, ScratchJr    

ViLLE is a web-based digital game tool developed by the University of Turku. Enables students to do exercises that give automated feedback. The exercises are embedded in mini games.

Tool type
Digital games 

Languages available
Finnish, Spanish, English

Account required
Student and teacher accounts

Free trial

How are your data used?
Privacy policy

Wooclap is a classroom response system that helps interacting with the audience when presenting. Presenters have the option to create and configure interactive presentations, while participants use a simplified interface which allows them to quickly participate and answer or ask questions.
Tutorial (in English)

Tool type
Classsroom response system

Languages available
English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Russian, Italian

Account required
Account required (the user must be at least 16 years old)

One free package

How are your data used?
Privacy policy

Similar tools
Prezi, Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva