Our partners
The Assess@Learning policy experimentation is coordinated by European Schoolnet. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Eight partners in seven countries are part of this project: Ministries of Education, other public authorities and delegated bodies of public authorities. Each partner contributes to the project with their own point of view and expertise in digital formative assessment, covering theory, research, practice and policy.
Public Authorities
- Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA), Estonia
- Finnish National Agency of Education (Opetushallitus), Finland
- Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus", Greece
- Ministry of Education and Vocational Education and Training, Spain
- Ministry of Education and Science (DGE), Portugal
Project coordinator
- European Schoolnet, Belgium - Network of public authorities
Research institute and universities
- Bruno-Kessler Foundation (FBK-IRVAPP), Italy
- University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
- The Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom