Empower students with digital formative assessment - Newsletter Issue 4


How do teachers know what their students actually learn and who is in need of additional support? How can students become more empowered in their own learning? How can digital tools support student learning? And does Corona change the way we think about these questions?

This newsletter aims to engage organisations working on assessment, as well as teachers, school heads, policy makers and anyone else who is interested in an exchange around these questions

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(You can download the newsletter here in PDF.

The newsletter is also available in Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Portuguese and Spanish.)

The fourth issue of the newsletter features an article that takes up the topic of school feedback culture based on the interview with Dutch school leaders Marc van Dongen and Florian Allart from Augustinianum School, Netherlands. As the A@L project's final outputs are under way, the newsletter also took the opportunity to ask Katja Engelhardt more about the project. Katja works as Senior Education Analyst at European Schoolnet. She is the co-developer of the Assess@Learning toolkit and is responsible for the research aspects of the Assess@Learning project.

Finally, the newsletter focuses on Portugal, where education stakeholders have been busy the Action p:an for the Digital Transition in Portugal.

Do you want to join us on our learning journey? Just subscribe! There are two more newsletter issues to be released until February 2023.